Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  .This section is about related subjects in the arts.  Topics include: ( ) Business, economics and art.  ( ) Philosophy and art.  ( ) Politics, law and art.  ( ) Psychology and art.  ( ) Sociology and art.  ( ) Technology, science and art.  ---  1/24/2006

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Business and art.  The art business.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Business and art.  The term "music business" is an oxymoron.  Music is an art.  Business is about money.  There is music, and there is business, but there is no music business.  "Music business" is a sham.  ---  4/27/2006

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Economics and art.  (1) How many artists an economy supports at any time, and what types.  (2) The art market.  Supply, demand and prices of works.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Economics and art.  Commercial success is not the sole criteria of artistic success.  ---  10/15/2004

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Economics and art.  Resources an individual or society spends on art (ex. time, energy, money).  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Economics and art.  Some would argue that art is unavoidably related to economics, because when we make and consume art we use up time and energy.  Yet the situation of art created in "free time" (i.e., leisure time) and communicated to an audience "for free" (i.e., for no fee) is a situation with which modern economics has a difficult time.  ---  10/15/2004

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Aesthetically pleasant or offensive.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Aesthetics (see philosophy).  Everything has an aesthetic dimension.  Everything manmade has a artistic dimension.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Aesthetics, and thus art, reflects the mind and philosophy of the individual maker and partaker.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Epistemology and art.  Art is a way of thinking.  Art is a way of knowing.  Art is an epistemological venture.  ---  10/15/2004

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Ethical choices on art.  How much resources (time, money, effort, materials) to spend on art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Ethics and art.  Art can make ethical as well at metaphysical, epistemological, and aesthetic statements.  Does all art necessarily make an ethical statement?  Does all art production and consumption reflect or imply an ethical value system?  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Ethics and art.  Best art for you (what you need most to learn) vs. art you like best (what you like to produce or consume).  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Ethics and art.  How important is art for you?  Objectively and subjectively.  How interested you are in producing and consuming art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Ethics and art.  Responsibility of artist to self, and to society.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Philosophy and art.  Some believe that art is just pure beauty, and not communication, or ethics, etc.  They believe in beauty for beauty's sake (like fashion models do) (just like sex for sex's sake, or art for arts sake).  But there is much more to life than beauty, or sex, or art, and more important things as well.  Problems and ethics take precedence over beauty.  ---  11/30/1996

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Politics and art.  (1) Art censored by law vs. art supported by government.  (2) Art to change government.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Politics and art.  NEA.  The National Endowment on Arts and government funding of the arts.  Arguments for and against it.     (1) Some say we should not fund art that is obscene or pornographic.  I say this objection is bogus.  Freedom of expression must rule.  Who decides what is obscene or pornographic?  Even flag burning should be allowed.  However, images or descriptions of child molestation and torture are illegal though.  Where to draw the line?     (2)(A) Some say we should not have to support any artists if we do not want to.  Let them make a living like everyone else.  This is a good argument.  (B) But then should we even fund science?  Should we have an industrial policy?  Can free market funded science accomplish more with less money?  Can free market funded science handle the coordination and big bucks that huge projects require?  I say free market science can not do it all alone.  (C) In the same way, should we give incentives to spur small business?  Should we engage in corporate welfare?  If we support and promote business then we should support and promote the arts.     (3) Some say art is dead.  It has all been figured out.  People will continue to make art, but not in new ways.  They may say or communicate different ideas using new technology, but art has been figured out.  Novelists, poets, musicians, movies, i.e. all art has been figured out.  Philosophy too.  They are dead and do not deserve out money.  But many say that economics, sociology, and the hard sciences like physics are dead too.  I say nothing is dead.  ---  12/30/1996

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Politics and art.  Should the government support the arts?  If the government supports science and business, which it does, then it should support the arts.  ---  04/24/1997

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Politics and art.  Two political uses of art.  (1) Art used by power abusers (bullies) to unjustly control other people.  (2) Art used by the disempowered to regain their power.  ---  10/15/2004

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Politics and art.  When does art end and propaganda begin?  Is all art political?  Is all art propaganda?  ---  01/01/1993

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Psychology and art.  Art can change your emotions, ideas and attitudes.  Art can bring new emotions, ideas and attitudes.  (See also: Psychology, emotional development.  Teen years?  Rock?).  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Psychology and art.  Psychology of (1) Artists in general, specific artist, specific work of art.  (2) Audiences in general, specific audience, specific works for specific audiences.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Psychology and art.  Rational knowledge is gained through philosophy and science.  Emotional knowledge is gained through art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Psychology and art.  Unconscious and conscious causes and effects of art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Religion and art.  Replacement of god and religion by artist and art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Sociology and art.  A society's views on art in general.  A society's views on specific arts, artists, works of art.  A societies consumption of art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Sociology and art.  How interested an individual or society is in art and why.  How important art is to and individual or society.  How much resources an individual or society spends on art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Sociology and art.  Place of art in a culture.  Value put on art production and consumption.  Style of art in a culture.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Sociology and art.  Status of artist in a society.  Accepted and praised vs. scorned and rejected.  ---  10/15/2004

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Technology and art.  (1) All direct and associated tools of expression.  (2) New technologies (tools and techniques) yield new art.  ---  12/30/1992

Arts, general, related subjects.  ---  Technology and art.  The difference between a great invention and a great work of art is not as great as you think.  ---  04/01/1988

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.