Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Politics, power.  ---  .This section is about power.  Topics include: ( ) Abuses of power.  ( ) Critiques of power.  ( ) Influence.  ( ) Leadership.  ( ) Power.  ( ) Problems with power.  ( ) Ruling.  ( ) Tactics of powerholders and disempowered.  ( ) Types of power.  ( ) What is power.  ---  1/24/2006

Politics, power.  ---  (1) Ethical and unethical uses of power.  (2) Officially approved vs. officially outlawed uses of power.  (3) The two are not the same.  ---  2/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  (1) How much to let others control you vs. how much and how you are controlled.  (2) Let them vs. forced,  conscious or unconscious.  (3) You consciously or unconsciously let them consciously or unconsciously control you.  (4) Conscious and unconscious affects on you and them.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  (1) Is greed for power and money ubiquitous?  No.  Is everyone always motivated by the drive for power and money?  No.  (2) Does everyone always act in their own self interest?  No.  Can people act altruistically?  Yes.  ---  12/1/2004

Politics, power.  ---  (1) Power hierarchies, pecking orders.  (2) Status hierarchies.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  (1) Power over someone vs. (2) independent vs. (3) under someone's power.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  (1) The view that power is fairly distributed among all segments of society.  vs.  (2) The view that money is the main form of power in today's society.  Corporations have the most money, and thus the most power.  Corporations influence government.  ---  12/1/2004

Politics, power.  ---  (1) Unhealthy, unjust, feudal, dictatorial conceptions of power.  (A) Hoard power.  (B) Dispense power to others sparingly.  (C) Disempower competitors and opponents.  Vs.  (2) Healthy, just, Democratic, egalitarian conceptions of power.  (A) Empower people.  (B) Share power.  (C) Open society as much as possible (ex. Open judicial process vs. secret kangaroo courts.).  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  (1) Using power for better or worse.  (2) Commissions and omissions.  (3) Crazy, stupid, unethical.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Abuse of power.  Most problems in the realm of politics (ex. Fascism, totalitarianism, etc.) have to do with the abuse of power.  What are the mechanics of power abuse?  (See also sections on bullying and pathological groups.)  ---  10/12/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Abuse of power.  Unethical, power abusing tactics.  Keep people quiet.  Keep people scared.  Keep people distracted.  Keep people from thinking.  Keep people from questioning.     However, the historical trend is toward communication, free speech, empowering the weak, educating the masses.  So unethical power abusing tactics are at odds with the general historical trend.  ---  11/21/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Abuses of power.  (1) How unethical power operates: Hoard, hog and consolidate power.  Oppress and exploit through force and threat.  (2) How ethical power operates:  Share power.  Each persons personal power respected by others.  For example, George Washington deciding not to accept his peers request to be king of America.  ---  11/23/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Abuses of power.  Power run amuck.  Abusing other people.  Abusing the environment.  Wasting or not using power.  Illegal acts.  Unethical yet not explicitly illegal acts.  (2) Ethical uses of power.  Helping other people.  Helping the environment.  ---  11/18/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Abuses of power.  Unethical uses of power.  Unchecked abuses of power often occur in secret and outside the law.  ---  11/21/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Ambition, drive, will, motivation vs. influence, control, force.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Arenas of power.  Businesses competing for customers.  Nations fighting wars.  Students competing for grades.  Workers looking for promotions.  Criminal organizations.  Family members (ex. Frank Sulloway's theories of birth order).  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Authority as position or title.  Desire to hold it, and refusal to accept it.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Authority: use and abuse.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Control over self.  Can you control yourself?  Do you control yourself: not enough vs. too much?  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Critique of power. "Power corrupts", said Lord Acton.  There is a tendency for the more powerful to oppress, exploit, coerce and terrorize the less powerful.  Those in power tilt the playing field in their favor by making the rules (laws) in their favor.  Those in power create an unfair advantage for themselves.  Those in power take advantage of others.  (2) In America today, money brings power.  Who or what entities have the most money and thus power?  Not individuals, rather organizations, corporations and industries.  Not the government, because the government is a group of partisan individuals in conflict.  (3) Beware any organization with a lot of money and an agenda.  Beware any group with unchecked power operating outside the bounds.  ---  11/29/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Critiques of power.  (1) Cooperation is just as important as competition or conflict, in fact more so.  (2) Power is not the only, or even the most important, value in life.  (3) History is full of power hungry people who did no good (ex. Hitler, Stalin, etc.)  There is a common psychological pathology of power-madness.  (4) History is full of individuals who accomplished much good despite rejecting traditional conceptions of power.  For example, Gandhi.  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Desire for power.  Power over self.  Power over other people.  ---  11/16/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Four factors.  (1) Power over the masses vs. power over the elite.  (2) Power to make others act (force) vs. power to get others to listen to you (influence).  (3) The above four factors can be combined in four combinations.  (A) Power to make the elite's act.  This is a power that terrorists try to gain.  (B) Power to make the elite's listen.  This is a power that academics often hold, especially if they work for a government think tank.  (C) Power to make the masses act.  This is a power that grassroots political organizations try to develop.  (D) Power to make the masses listen.  This is a power many celebrities have, which is why they are often used in television commercials.  ---  5/24/1999

Politics, power.  ---  Four pairs.  (1) Dominant vs. submissive.  (2) Passive vs. aggressive.  (3) Strength vs. weakness.  (4) Power holder vs. powerless.  These are four different factors.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Four pairs.  (1) Oppressor vs. oppressed.  (2) Active vs. inactive.  (3) Aggressive vs. passive.  (4) Dominant vs. submissive.  They are four different pairs.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  How easy is it to take and use power in a political situation?  What are the easiest ways?  What are the ways you can't and why?  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  In any political situation, especially government, who has how much power and why?  Power and limits of power: how much, over what, and what branch, area, and level.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Influence.  To have the ear of the king.  To be in a position to suggest ideas, but to not be able to force action.  ---  5/30/1998

Politics, power.  ---  Information and power.  Information gathering as power.  Information storage as power (ex. Large, searchable databases).  Information processing as power (brain power).  Information dissemination as power.  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Information as a basis of power.  Technology as a basis of power.  ---  11/27/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Is all power abused?  Once power is obtained, is it always misused?  Is there always a temptation to misuse power?  Can power ever be evenly distributed and used fairly?  ---  9/1/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Leader 1 says to go this way, "I say we do this and here is why".  Leader 2 says to go that way, "I say we do this and here is why".  They try to persuade the followers with reason or emotion.  They try to intimidate or seduce the followers.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leader is anyone in any situation with any power.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leader traits and styles.  Qualities of leaders.  (1) Devotion to cause.  (2) Intelligence: theoretical and practical.  (3) Take action.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leaders say "we can do it".  Leaders are optimists.  It is easy to be pessimistic with self and others.  ---  12/30/1995

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership is called for whenever anyone meets anyone.  (1) Bond with people.  Create rapport.  (2) Motivate.  Pep talk.  Spread optimism.  (3) State the problems and obstacles.  We have some problems but we are working on our problems and the problems of the world.  (4) Show the means and ends.  In areas of psychology, physical, sociology, and environment.  The main goal is health.  ---  04/24/1997

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership style pros and cons.  (1) Friend style.  Pro: get along.  Contra: no authority.  (2) Disciplinarian style.  Pro: authority.  Contra: no friendship or respect yields rebellion.  (3) Real leader style.  Pro: get along.  Contra: respected and obeyed.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  (1) A leader is anyone in any social situation with any social power.  (2) We all have some degree of social power in all social situations (even if it is only to bitch and moan).  (3) Therefore we are all (potential) leaders.  ---  6/1/1999

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  (1) Leaders inspire and motivate.  (2) Leaders influence, persuade and convince.  (3) Leaders demand and order.  (4) We admire and look up to our leaders as examples to emulate.  ---  9/15/1998

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  (1) Problems with leaders.  Wimp, lazy, crazy.  Dishonest.  Ineffective.  No answers to problems.  Doesn't meet challenges and opportunities.  Unethical.  Unaware of situation: stupid, out of touch, passe.  Poor values.  See personality traits.  (2) Ideals: opposites.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  (1) Recognizing someone is blind and floundering, and showing them the way, without insulting them, and without them even figuring out that you are trying to lead them.  (2) You are showing them an entire metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and aesthetic philosophy, and you can communicate it with a look, a gesture, a posture, a word, an emotional tone.  You communicate your philosophy all the time anyway.  ---  09/01/1994

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Confidence in leaders vs. confidence in the cause.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Definitions.  (1) Leaders change things by degree, amount, and speed.  (2) Leaders communicate a vision of an idea, and motivate and inspire through emotion.  (3) Leaders say: "this is what we should do, and why and how".  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Democracy says we are all leaders.  Democracy says there are no leaders.  Democracy says we live by laws, not leaders.  ---  7/25/2006

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Do great leaders use mass hypnosis?  ---  3/30/1998

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Everyone follows someone, and everyone leads someone to a certain degree and duration.  It is unavoidable.  ---  10/15/1994

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Explainers and communicators vs. blind obedience expecters.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Leader can be anyone.  Style should be flexible.  Know what tactics are fair and will work.  Have knowledge of many styles to choose from.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Nice to have: respect, love, and fear.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Principles of leadership.  (1) Know all the factors in a situation.  (2) Know importance of each.  (3) Know all potential action alternatives.  (4) Know the people involved.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Revolt and rebellion.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  See decision theory.  See persuasion and rhetoric.  See management.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Suspicion of incompetence.  Mild to grave suspicion of mild to severe incompetence.  Suspicion that leader is crazy, stupid, or unethical.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  The purpose of a leader, or actually any friend, or any person, is to (1) Make people see what they have in common, instead of their differences.  (2) Make people see their good points instead of their bad points?  (3) Or, if they must see their bad points, to make them look at their bad points with hope rather than despair.  So we do not melt down.  ---  04/24/1997

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Thinking, saying, doing.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  Types of leaders.  (1) Intentional (sought or unsought) vs. unintentional.  (2) Good leaders: have influence, make right choices.  Bad leaders: don't.  (3) Democratic vs. despotic.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  We all lead by example, acting as models for each other.  ---  12/29/1997

Politics, power.  ---  Leadership.  What stars (and leaders) have: Confidence, even if they are wrong.  Strength to carry the masses.  Not wavering or waffling.  Its what the public wants to see.  ---  5/15/1998

Politics, power.  ---  Not as a rule, but as an unethical trend.  The powerful oppress and exploit the disempowered.  The rich oppress and exploit the poor.  Men oppress and exploit women.  Adults oppress and exploit children and the aged.  The majority oppresses and exploits minorities.  ---  11/16/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Objective power: actually have.  Subjective power: think you have.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  One strategy that abusers of power use is to depoliticize the masses.  Depolitization of the masses is achieved through a variety of tactics including fear, distraction, bribe, etc.  (1) Abusers of power try to harass anyone who becomes political against them.  (2) Abusers of power will try to make life comfortable enough to quell dissent.  (3) Abusers of power will attempt to get the public to think about anything other than politics.  (4) Abusers of power attempt to depoliticize the public.  (5) Abusers of power will attempt to disempower the public.  (5) Abusers of power will attempt to use secrecy to hide their abuses of power.  (6) A counter-strategy to use against abusers of freedom is to repoliticize the public and empower the public.  ---  12/13/2005

Politics, power.  ---  PART ONE.  Personal power.  Physical strength and endurance.  Psychological abilities of memory, emotion, reason, attitude, personality, etc.     PART TWO.  Social power.  Power between people.  (1) Political power.  Power to make laws.  Power of political office.  Power to put people in or out of office by voting.  (2) Communicative power.  (3) Sexual power.  ---  6/11/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Perception.  (1) Person A's perception of A's own power, vs. A's perception of person B's power.  (2) Person B's perception of B's own power, vs. B's perception of person A's power.  Variances in all cases.  Over-estimation and under-estimation.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Personal power: over self (psychological and physical).  Social power: over others.  ---  01/01/1993

Politics, power.  ---  Political power used unjustly in discrimination like sexism, ageism, racism.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Political power.  Who wants it, how much, and why?  What they are willing to do to get it.  Who they try to get it from, and how they try to get it.  Degree of success, loses and gains.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Politics as control (power used).  How much control is healthy vs. unhealthy.  Ways to resist control.  The Resistance: smart, hard, long, nonviolent and violent.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power and ethics: you can use, abuse, or not use power.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power and personality.  (1) Insistence and rigidity vs. (2) compromising vs. (3) totally complying vs. (4) totally unassertive.  In thought, word, and action.  And how healthy or unhealthy it is.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power and politics, economics, technology and information.  (1) Power and politics.  Many people mistakenly equate political power with power generally.  Political power is only one form of power.  Examples of political power include the power of political parties and the power of individuals who hold political office.  (2) Power and economics.  Money is a type of power because it lets you get things done.  Money as power is a Marxian view of power.  Be richer than your opponent (ex. Campaign spending).  Acquire the means of production in order to make money.  (3) Technology and power.  Technological advantages can give one a power advantage.  Example, arms races.  (4) Information and power.  Typical info-power tactics.  (A) Know what your opponent is doing and prevent your opponent from knowing what you are doing.  Know their history and know their plans.  (B) Flows of information in an organization via communication.  Make sure members of your party have information when they need it.  For example, a business corporation, or a country fighting a war.  Secrecy.  Disinformation (lies).  Public relations.  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Power can't get vs. can.  Power don't get vs. do get.  Power couldn't use vs. could use.  Power don't use vs. do use.  Goal not got vs. goal got.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power complex: ways to get power, ways to use power, and ways to lose power.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power corrupts, but it also distorts.  Those in power loose touch with reality.  ---  3/30/1998

Politics, power.  ---  Power corrupts.  Corporations are the most powerful and therefore corporations are the most corrupt.  ---  9/1/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Power for power's sake.  There is never enough power for power hogs.  ---  10/19/2005

Politics, power.  ---  Power has to be taken or stolen, but it must be done so with craft and subtlety and wits.  First you must make them think you are ready to receive the power.  Then you must craftily take it.  It is all psychological.  Once power is gained it must be maintained.  ---  03/07/1989

Politics, power.  ---  Power is how much can you change things.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power is not good in and of itself.  Money is not good in and of itself.  For example, bloody money and bloody power.  ---  11/23/2005

Politics, power.  ---  Power or control.  (1) Gaining power over self, and situation.  (2) Losing power over self (to others), and situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power sharing is a key component to democracy.  Power sharing is a type of sharing.  Sharing is a type of cooperation.  Cooperation and sharing are key components to democracy.  That is an idea that free market capitalists do not seem to get.  ---  2/27/2007

Politics, power.  ---  Power structure (hierarchy) and mechanisms of a group.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power to control behavior vs. power to shape attitudes.  The latter is more powerful than the former.  ---  12/5/1999

Politics, power.  ---  Power to the people, as the saying goes.  Government of, by, and for the people.  Grassroots activism.  ---  5/14/2007

Politics, power.  ---  Power vacuums.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power won vs. lost.  Power given vs. taken.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power.  (1) Percent you have power to decide means and ends.  (2) Percent you act on your chosen means and ends.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power.  (1) Who makes the decisions?  (2) Who carries them out?  (3) Who is in the know (information flow)?  (4) Who makes and spreads the values (and how)?  (5) Who are the blind followers?  (6) Who are the thinking followers?  (7) Who are the rebels and counterspies and destroyers?  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power.  Concerning territory (space) and possessions (property).  Reflected in struggle for rights for self, and duties for others.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Power.  How much power do I want to exert over other?  How much power do I want to exert over me?  What's the healthiest and most ethical amount of both?  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Problems with power.  (1) Inequitable distribution of power.  (2) Power hogs.  Power hoarders.  Power abusers.  Ruthless exercise of power.  Injustice as power abused.  Its a problem when people have their power taken away from them, and are rendered disempowered or powerless.  (3) People who give up their power when they should not.  People who don't use their power when they should.  For example, people who do not vote.  ---  11/7/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Problems with power.  (1) Taking too much power.  Bullying.  Abusing power.  Unethical exercise of power.  (2) Giving up power.  Apolitical, apathetic.  Refusing to deal with power.  Abdicating your personal power.  Non-use of power.  ---  6/24/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Problems with power.  (1) To pursue power unethically.  (2) To fail to acquire power ethically.  To abdicate all power.  ( 3) To take more than your fair share of power.  (5) To misuse power.  To wield power unethically.  (4) To fail to use power.  (5) To fail to empower others.  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Related subjects, sociology.  (1) Power tactics of power holders (ex. employers, teachers, parents).  Force.  Threat.    (2) Power tactics of disempowered (ex. workers, students, children).  Ignore.  Resist.  ---  6/11/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Related subjects.  (1) Sociology and power.  All social relationships have a power component.  (2) Psychology and power.  People often strive to increase their power.  (3) Philosophy and power.  Sometimes people use ethical means to increase their power.  Sometimes people use unethical means to increase their power.  (4) Technology and power.  Technology is a means of increasing our power.  Technology is a means of gaining various new abilities, or increasing the strength of existing abilities.  ---  6/4/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Relationship of power, ruling, and leadership.  You can have power and choose not to rule (use, exert, or exercise power).  You can rule and not be a leader (motivate and inspire a vision in people).  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Relationship of power, ruling, leadership, etc.  (1) You can have power and not exercise it (rule).  (2) You can rule (exercise power) and not be a government.  One individual can rule over another.  (3) You can rule and not be a leader.  Leaders lead by communicating a vision to people.  Despotic rulers rule but don't lead.  Also, A person can be a figurehead leader and have a behind the scenes shot caller.  (4) Government is a term that applies to nations.  Nations are recognized by the U.N.  ---  12/29/1997

Politics, power.  ---  Rule of a family, business, club, mob, gang, crowd.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  (1) Degree of control desired vs. degree of control achieved.  (2) In control vs. out of control.  (3) Things running as planned vs. not running as planned.  (4) Meeting goals vs. not.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  (1) Opposed rule: in thought, word, action.  Freedom of speech and assembly.  (2) Unopposed rule: in thought, word, action.  Cohesion, consensus.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  (1) Rule by caprice or whim vs. rule by well established laws.  (2) Rule by vote of people vs. rule by decree of king.  (3) Rule by violent means vs. rule by peaceful means.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  (1) Rule by reason (good).  (2)(A) Rule by tradition.  (B) Rule by myth, magic or religion.  (C) Rule by chance.  Dice rolling.  (D) Arbitrary rule.  Rule by whim.  (all bogus).  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  Secret rule (secrecy and lies) vs. known rule (public information and knowledge).  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  To rule is to gain and use power.  Government is just one form of ruling.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  To rule with consent of majority, or of unanimity, vs. to rule without consent of either.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  Unjust rule vs. just rule, in means or ends.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Ruling.  Ways of ruling are limited?  Means: structure, mechanism.  Ends.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Some people feel it is good to be strong.  And they think strength means accumulating social power and exercising social power (control over others).  But strength can be letting people be free to grow and govern themselves.  ---  03/20/1997

Politics, power.  ---  Struggle types (see Sociology, struggling).  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics of power.  (1) Tactics to gain power. vs. Tactics to exercise power.  (2) Ethical tactics. vs. Unethical tactics.  ---  6/11/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics used by some authority figures (like politicians, bosses, teachers, parents, etc.) to get people to lead lives that cause these people to have attitudes that are inauthentic, ignorant, close minded, retarded in development, unquestioning, disempowered, helpless, clueless, vegetating, discouraged, despondent, conformist, mentally inactive, obedient, brain turned off, and focused on other people's goals.  Rather than to empower, encourage, enlighten, authentic, mentally active, and their own lives.  ---  12/5/1999

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  Keys to keeping power.  Keep them stupid.  Monetarily and materially poor.  Powerless, dependent.  Terrified and frightened of disobeying.  Yet keep them happy if they obey.  Abuse and neglect them.  Treat them like children, patronize, condescend.  ---  10/15/1994

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  Power plays in social situations.  Gaining and using power.  Lies, secrets, half truths.  Bluffs, threats, blackmail.  Spying, information gathering.  Two-faced-ness.  Gain allies, brown nose.  Do favors, collect favors.  Acute vs. chronic attacks.  ---  03/20/1993

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  Power seeking strategies.  Person A tells person B that B is down because B is lazy, stupid, genetically inferior etc.  It may actually be the case that person A is consciously or unconsciously keeping person B down.  ---  08/15/1994

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  The powerholders don't want us to think, so that it is easier for them to run things and to make decisions for us.  Pacification and appeasement are the tactics they use.  ---  01/03/1997

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  There are ethical tactics of power and there are unethical tactics of power.  Learn to recognize unethical power tactics.  ---  11/23/2005

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  Ways to gain political power.  (1) Force.  (2) Seduce, persuade, beg, plead.  (3) Fear vs. love.  (4) Trick, lie, secret.  (5) Bribe, blackmail, con, promise.  (6) Rhetoric.  (7) Threat, extort.  (8) Destroy vs. build.  (9) Popular demand vs. elite demand.  (10) Show competence.  (11) Seduce vs. force by violence or terror.  (12) Combos of above.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Tactics.  Ways to try to exert power.  (1) Convince someone its the ethical thing to do.  (2) Convince someone its in their self-interest to do it, even if is not exactly ethical.  Appeal to their greed, lust, etc..  (3) Say to someone, "Do this or else I will kill you, or make your life a living hell".  (4) Other ways: Seduce.  Cajole.  Threaten.  Kvetch.  Plead.  Advise.  Persuade.  Negotiate.  Bargain.  (5) Logically argue.  Emotional appeals.  (6) Using words.  Using Actions.  ---  2/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Techniques you use vs. power you gain.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Terms: power, authority, leadership, conformity vs. nonconformity, obedience vs. rebellion.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  The great, noble man.  (1) Operates from a position of power.  (2) Does not abuse power, or let it go to his head, or let it corrupt him.  (3) Does not let great problems or great antagonists get him down.  He sees things from their point of view, and then out-maneuvers them.  He neutralizes them and achieves justice.  (4) Seeks to attain and maintain power.  ---  03/09/1989

Politics, power.  ---  The lame reasons to unjustly give up power.  Give up: tired of fighting and struggling.  Give in: don't want to think, take a mental vacation, revert to childish condition.  The desire to unjustly give up power can be as strong as the desire to unjustly seize power.  ---  10/30/1993

Politics, power.  ---  Those obsessed with gaining power often feel powerless and impotent.  ---  10/12/2003

Politics, power.  ---  To whom are you (1) In their power, (2) In power over them, (3) In sovereign relationship to.  (A) Independent: no one with power over you, (B) Neutral: you are not taking sides.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  (1) Money as power.  The rich are powerful.  (2) Power to shape the attitudes of the masses.  The media is powerful.  (3) Power of numbers of people.  The masses are powerful.  ---  9/1/2004

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  (1) Personal.  Physical and psychological.  (2) Social.  Over other people.  ---  09/25/1993

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  (1) Technological, economic, military, legal, political.  (2) Intellectual, emotional.  (3) Decision ability forced on someone vs. accepted by someone.  (4) Decision results forced on someone vs. accepted by someone.  (5) Formal power vs. informal power.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  Money as power.  Information as power.  Intelligence (brain power) as power.  Beauty as power.  Fame or status as power.  Numbers or multitudes as power.  Physical strength as power.  Technology as power.  Political office as power.  Pressure, influence or coercion as power.  Health (physical and psychological) as power.  Energy (physical and psychological) as power.  ---  11/16/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  Money equals power.  Knowledge equals power.  However, knowledge does not equal money, case in point, this book.  ---  5/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  Political, economic and technological bases of power.  ---  11/18/2003

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power.  Various types of power reinforce each other: political power, economic power, intellectual power, physical power, technological power, social power (ex. fame, popularity, charisma).  ---  4/17/2001

Politics, power.  ---  Types of power. (1)  Personal power or power defined as intra-personal power.  Examples, physical strength, intelligence, knowledge.  Most people call this type of power "ability".  (2)  Inter-personal power or power defined as the ability to get other people to do stuff.  Or the ability to do stuff to other people.  (3) When most people talk about political power they mean inter-personal power and not intra-personal power.  They can refer to a nation, group or individual.  ---  2/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  What people fear is loss of power and devaluation of their meaning systems.  So they try to eliminate the competition and opposition.  They try to disempower the competition.  At the same time they try to maintain an illusion of competition and democracy.  ---  9/14/2003

Politics, power.  ---  What.  Definitions of power from broad to narrow.  (1) Natural power.  Example, gravity and tornadoes.  (2) Human power.  Physical power.  Psychological power.  Social power.  (3) Social power.  Individual to individual.  Individual to group.  Group to individual.  Group to group.  (4) Political power.  National power.  ---  10/4/2002

Politics, power.  ---  What.  Definitions of power.  (1) Power defined as control.  (2) Power defined as freedom.  (3) Power defined as ability.  ---  11/16/2003

Politics, power.  ---  What.  Definitions of power.  Broad definitions of power: see the list of definitions of power.  Narrow definition of power: political power.  ---  11/18/2003

Politics, power.  ---  What.  Definitions of power.  Power in the broad sense.  (1) Anything that has value can be used to gain power.  For example, physical beauty is valued in society and thus, to some degree, beauty is power.  (2) Is there any case of a value that cannot be used to gain power?  ---  10/1/2002

Politics, power.  ---  What.  Definitions of power.  Some people mistakenly associate the word "power" only with the government.  So they think all their issues with power are concerned with the government.  However, power is a factor in every social interaction.  Not only government.  Abuses of power can occur in any social interaction, not just government interactions.  ---  9/12/2003

Politics, power.  ---  What.  Social relationships yields power relationships, which yields conflict (over means, ends, rights, duties), which yields struggle, which yields new power relationship.  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Who can/can't do what (political power)?  Who can/can't have/get/own what stuff (economic power).  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Who has how much power, from what source, and how do they wield it?  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  Who has how much power?  Are they rising or declining in power, and how fast?  What's their agenda (subjects and views)?  What are their and my demands and requests of each other?  How should I react to them?  ---  12/30/1992

Politics, power.  ---  X action performed (consciously or unconsciously).  Power gained or lost by it.  Participant (doers and recievers) perception of loss or gain.  ---  12/30/1992

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.