Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  .This section is about the Internet.  Topics include: ( ) Positive views.  ( ) Negative views.  ---  1/24/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  (1) Internet as a network in three ways: a network of computers, a network of information, and a network of people.  (2) Size of network.  The network has a size in terms of number of nodes.  The network has a size in terms of physical area covered.  The network has a size in terms of number of links connecting nodes.  (3) Distance.  Number of links or hops it takes to get from one node to another node determines the link distance.  Amount of time it takes to get from one node to another node determines the time distance.  (4) Internet has two types of nodes.  Web surfer nodes, the computers of the users.  Web site nodes, the computers of the hosts.  ---  5/12/2005

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  (1) Negative uses of the Internet:  Some see the Internet as a way to make a quick buck.  Some see the Internet as a way to spread hate.  (2) Positive uses of the Internet:  Some see the Internet as a way to share information.  Some see the Internet as a way to empower people.  ---  6/10/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  (1) No operating system is secure.  (2) The Internet is not secure.  (3) Internet anonymity is not possible.  (4) Internet privacy is not possible.  (5) When you go on the Internet, your information is being gathered by various groups such as the government, big business, and various individuals.  (6) That information is for sale, even back to you.  (Its like the old lame joke, "Do you have any pictures of yourself naked?  Would you like to buy some?")  ---  9/19/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  (1) Why I thought computers and the Internet was it.  Computers and Internet as grass roots, voice of the people.  Computers and Internet as populist and pro-democracy.  It was a revolution, man.  It was going to change the world.  (2) Why the Internet may have been it.  Working as a techie for the cause is good.  Working as a techie for the corporations is bad.  (3) Why computers and Internet is not it.  I'm not a techie.  I'm an ideaman, not a tech man.  Tech is only part of the solution.  Tech is abused by bastards as much as it helps the struggle for good.  Thankfully, there are fewer bastards than good people.  (Major bastards 1%.  Minor bastards 10%).  ---  6/10/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  A bad vision of the Internet.  The Internet is just another means to make money by dumbing things down and by pandering to people's base desires for sex and violence.  Internet as entertainment.  Internet as business, money.  Internet to promote a right wing agenda of dumbing down, and of disempowering people.  ---  11/28/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  A good vision of the Internet.  If we give everyone access to information, and if we give everyone access to communication tools, then people will use it wisely and the world will improve, thus the Internet can change the world for the better.  Internet to empower the masses.  ---  11/28/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Computer magazines recommend adding the following software to your computer to make it "totally safe": anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, anti-spam software, anti-pop-up-ad software, firewall software, etc.  If you need to add all that software to your computer then the Internet is not totally safe.  ---  9/28/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Cool applications online.  (1) Personal apps:  Bookmarks.  Contacts.  Schedules.  Notes.  File Storage.  Webpages.  (2) Social apps: Message boards.  E-groups.  Webrings.  Chat.  ---  11/15/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Each person gets a website.  The website has three different zones.  (1) Public zone for all to see.  (2) Semi-private zone for friends to see.  (3) Private zone for the person only to see.  ---  8/8/2000

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Gossip.  Internet as gossip patch.  There are a lot of yentas on the Intenet.  ---  5/11/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Gossip.  The Internet, much like the telephone, is primarily a medium for gossip.  Gossip is mostly about name calling and rumor mongering.  ---  2/14/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Growth of the Internet.  Compare the Internet 1995-1999 to the Internet 2000-2004.  Even though the Internet continues to grow in size, as measured by the number of users on the Internet and the number of web pages they post, the rapid technological development of the Internet has slowed.  ---  8/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  How big is the Internet?  Approximately 500 billion web pages are on the Internet.  That's almost a hundred pages for every person on earth.  ---  1/28/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  How big is the Internet?  How many web sites?  How many web pages?  How much data in terabytes?  How many people visiting those websites?  People spending how much time on the Internet?  How many dollars involved?  How much stuff purchased on the Internet?  How much free stuff on the Internet?  ---  1/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  How many people are on the Internet?  How much time do people spend on the Internet?  What percentage of time are people using the Internet for gaining knowledge and information versus mindless entertainment?  ---  11/9/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  How to surf the Internet.  The art of finding useful things that you did not know you were looking for.  Directed wandering.  How to find things previously unknown to you.  ---  3/15/2007

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Idea for a web site called "I forget how old I am."  People often forget their age.  This web site has a text box that says, "Enter the year of your birth".  The user picks their year of birth from a drop down list.  Then a second field says, "The current year is 2006.  You are X years old."  ---  5/20/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet 2.0?  Google maps.  Flickr.  Not very impressive.  ---  4/27/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet as download (transfer data) vs. Internet as dialogue (combine brain power).  ---  6/28/2000

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet as library.  (1) Saves a trip to the library.  A library on your desktop.  (2) Bigger than any library.  More information.  More authors.  More subjects.  More points of view.  ---  8/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet as newspaper.  Is there more to do online than just reading the news?  ---  8/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet as:  One big mind.  One big library.  One big conversation.  One big marketplace.  ---  3/15/2000

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet business.  (1) Internet Marketing:  Buzz.  Word of mouth.  Cluetrain Manifesto, by Doc Searls.  Idea Virus, by Seth Godin.  Memes.  (2) Internet Finance:  IPO's.  Venture capitalists.  (3) Internet management:  Keep team small.  Outsource tasks that are not core.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet economy.  (1) Dream turned to nightmare.  (2) Manic depressive economy.  (3) Put yourself on a pedestal, have the pedestal knocked from under you, and then get up and start walking again.  (4) A once in a lifetime opportunity to lose all your money.  (5) It was the Woodstock of today's younger generation.  (6) The Internet continues on.  It is not about money, stocks or big business.  Its about individuals talking with each other on the web.  ---  8/2/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet is 2 billion web pages that nobody cares about.  ---  9/19/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet is a big brain.  ---  11/30/1996

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet is an incredible resource.  Two keys to using the Internet are browser bookmarks and the e-library.  The e-library is a collection of digital information.  The key to the e-library is mass storage.  ---  12/27/1997

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet is geek country.  ---  8/30/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet is more about content than software.  That is, the Internet is more about writing than coding.  ---  9/19/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet issues.  (1) Spying.  That is, loss of privacy.  (2) Censorship.  (3) Propaganda.  (4) Access.  There should be free access for all people to the Internet.  When a computer and Internet access is too expensive for the poor then that is injustice.  ---  5/29/2007

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet model is strangers collaborating for free and for fun.  ---  8/5/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet nineties (1995-1999) was a combination of the hippie sixties (1965-1969) and the jazz-age twenties (1925-1929).  ---  9/19/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet raises the level of ethical responsibility because it is so accessible.  You do not have to go to the library or the bookstore.  You have a greater obligation to learn because the Internet is available from your desk top.  ---  12/26/1997

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet will probably have public, free programs for K-12.  Private, pay programs for leisure things like virtual golf.  The government can set standards, provide funding, and make it come about more quickly, but it will be sub-optimal and expensive.  Private competition battles take longer but the product is perfected and given to the public at lowest cost.  The big questions are how soon, how much money, how quick and easy to use, how much useful information available.  Problems: copyright and intellectual property.  The Internet can make learning more stuff easier, faster, with less pain and more fun.  Fewer kids will be less turned off, less curiosity destroyed, which will mean less social problems and less social costs, and more money put to better uses, and more social advances.  Destruction of curiosity is a big, quiet, hard to see, problem for myself and others.  People could graduate sooner (phd at age 12?).  Less wasted lives, and more happy people in a better world.  ---  08/31/1993

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  (1) Internet as a connection between brains.  (2) Internet as one big brain that we all share.  ---  9/1/2000

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  (1) What is good on the Internet?  The Internet has a lot of good stuff on it.  News.  Dating.  Encyclopedias.  Music.  Movies.  All this despite the fact that there are also a relatively few bad apples on the Internet.  (2) What is not good about the Internet?  Viruses, trojans, and worms.  Hacker/crackers.  Spam.  Internet harassment, Internet stalking, Internet threats.  Invasion of privacy.  ---  11/12/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  (see also: Sociology, communications, media, Internet).  Brains unite!  Brains speak!  For a long time brains were kept silent and kept isolated from each other.  The technology was not available for brains to unite and speak easily.  In the resulting vacum, bodies, stuff and money became the popular preoccupations.  Now that computers and the Internet let brains unite and speak more easily, there is a de-emphasis on stuff and a re-emphasis on ideas, emotions and attitudes.  As far as the other playing fields go, body-people play sports, stuff-people go shopping at the mall, and money-people go gambling in casinos.  Now, with the Internet, the brains have their own playing field, and balance in the world is thus restored.  ---  8/18/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  Best and worst case scenarios for the Internet.  Worst case: Internet is totally controlled by government or totally controlled by big corporations.  Charge for use.  Totally commercial.  Totally proprietary.  ---  3/15/2000

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  Evolution of Web pages.  (1) Text and photo.  (2) Audio and video.  (This is the point we are at present)  (3) Holographic 3D images, with interactive question and answer.  At this stage your descendants could visit you after you are dead and interact with you.  You could also visit and talk to your young self fifty years later.  (4) A computer that continues to learn and think and produce new ideas even after you are dead.  ---  10/30/1997

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  First step is easy web writing.  Then easy and cheap web posting by anyone.  Then everyone will have their own web page.  Then they should start organizing and posting their ideas.  Then all the individuals webs sites will be searchable quickly.  Like you could put in a key word like "motivation" and it will search everyone's public notes to see what has been thought on motivation.  ---  01/08/1997

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  How much of an effect did, does and will the Internet have?  I say the most important role of the Internet boom of the late 1990's was its role as an ideal dream.  It was a dream age, and dream ages are important.  For example, it seems difficult to imagine that the invention of the telephone had a dream or ideal attached to it, but I'm sure it did, probably most keenly felt by bored housewives.  The technology does not have to deliver on the dream.  The important thing is that the technology lets us see the dream in our heads.  Technology lets us dream or imagine a new ideal.  Imagining new ideals is an important yet often underrated mental activity.  ---  8/4/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  Its all part of my Internet fantasy.  Its all part of my Internet dream.  (to paraphrase the song).  ---  7/25/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  PART ONE.  Pro Internet.  Internet provides information.  Internet enables communication.  Internet provides recreation and entertainment.   Internet provides a voice for those with less power and less money, and thus, the Internet is an equalizer.  PART TWO.  Con Internet.  Internet access is expensive (but the price is dropping).  Internet provides a medium for online bullying, harassment, threats, abuse, etc.  Internet is a medium for invasion of privacy, like the monitoring of individuals by the government, corporations, and other groups and individuals.  ---  6/25/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  The Web.  People may deride the Web for its crass commercialism, the porn, the mindless video games, the hate spewing sites, and the unorganized mediocre content in general.  But there is still an enormous amount of excellent information available to anyone immediately.  It is, all things considered, a great thing that is getting better at a quick pace (safe surf, video/audio, 3D, etc.).  ---  11/30/1996

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  We are all writers now, leaving tracks and traces.  Comments, opinions, two cents, remarks, observations, quips.  ---  8/5/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  Web has a million times more content than television.  It has proportionally as much good stuff and bad stuff, but since it is bigger you get more quantity of good stuff than television.  ---  2/15/1997

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Internet.  Who will build it, who will run it, what information available, at what cost, to who?  How will we access it, what will it look like, what will the technology be?  ---  10/01/1993

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Negative side of the Internet.  (1) Spies.  Information for money.  Information for power.  (2) Paparazzi.  Hollywood.  (3) Dirty tricks.  Political, like Watergate burglars. (4) Self appointed.  Sanctimonious.  Moral arbiters.  (5) Crazies.  Wackos.  (6) Sophmoronic, sadistic, practical jokers.  ---  9/12/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Negative side of the Internet.  Internet abuse.  Malicious mocking.  Lying.  Threats.  Bullying.  Why?  Because people mistakenly take things as personal attacks or ideological attacks.  Because they are full of anger.  Or because they think its fun to abuse.  Or because they are crazy.  Or they like to fight.  ---  7/1/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Negative views of the Internet.  Internet as a trap.  Those who say, "Feel free to surf the Internet.  OBTW, we are watching your every move, waiting for you to make one false move, and we may even try to bait you or entrap you."  ---  10/27/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New media online.  Weblogs.  Webrings.  Message boards.  Online text chats.  Wikis.  ---  8/20/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  (1) Invent a cool web site.  Develop a bunch of web sites based on a bunch of ideas.  Put all the web sites online.  See which web sites succeed and fail.  The criteria for success being what?  See which become popular and not.  See which make money and not.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Brainstorming software ideas.  (1) People have trouble thinking.   Let people pick words of a list or web.  Take those words and tag them.  Fill in the blanks.  The way I feel about (word) is (what).  Turn words into sentences.  Turn sentences into paragraphs.  Tags the paragraphs.  Link the paragraphs in new ways.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Do something creative with code.  Find or create various cool hardware and link it together.  Find or create various cool software code and link it together.  Link together cool hardware and cool software.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Find some cool, under-utilized hardware.  Find a new use for the hardware.  Develop some cool software for it.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Internet was supposed to empower people.  Internet was supposed to let small companies compete against large corporations.  Internet was supposed to let people get educated.  Internet was supposed to let people communicate.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Mad libs, computerized.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Magic eight ball, computerized.  Have about eight standard answers.  Associate those eight standard responses with eight numbers.  Have the computer randomly pick one of those eight numbers in order to randomly present one of the eight standard answers in response to any question asked.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Memory Lane.  People write their memories.  People give their memories a workout.  People integrate their past in a psychologically healthy, therapeutic way.  Sortable by date.  Sortable by author.  Searchable by keyword.  ---  2/16/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Notes machine for people to do their own notes.  ---  2/16/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  PART ONE.  Models of e-commerce, e-business  (1) Clicks and mortar.  Web site as adjunct to physical store.  (2) Web site as adjunct to a catalog driven business.  Ex. LL Bean.  (3) Payment over Internet for an object delivered.  (4) Payment over Internet for a service delivered.  (5) Internet based media companies: Text.  Music.  Movies.  Visual arts.     PART TWO.  E-business examples.  (1) Internet makes finding a date easier.  Ex.  (2) Internet makes trading online easier.  Ex. Ameritrade.  No need stock broker.  (3) Internet makes finding plane fairs easier.  Ex. Priceline.  No need travel agent.     PART THREE.  Principles of website design and e-business.  Best practices.  (1) User friendly.  Intuitive.  (2) Use pre-made software.  Don't reinvent the wheel.  Keep coding to a minimum.  (3) Use free, open source software, so that you don't have to keep paying licensing fees to Microsoft.  (4) Don't use components that are too big for the project.  Don't use components that are too small for the project.  (5) Maintainable.  Easily maintainable.  Maintainable by end users.  For example, CMS that user can update easily.  (6) Scalable.  Easily scalable.  Can grow, or shrink.  Can be extended.  (7) Secure.  Not easily hacked by crackers.  (8) Documented.  Well documented.  (9) Sit down with customer.  Explain alternatives.  Give your recommendation.  (10) Low cost.  Not too expensive for customer.  (11) Quick and easy.  (12) Pricing.  Get clear with customer what is expected to be delivered and when.  Get payment up front.  ---  2/16/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Philosophy.  Question asker.  Answer gatherer.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  The Notes organizer.  Sync notes with people.  Combine notes with people.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Things people do on web interfaces.  (1) People type in search term and get a static web page back.  (2) People type in a search term and get a record(s) from database back, presented in a dynamic web page.  (3) People create an anonymous login on the website, by creating a user name and user password.  (4) People create a non-anonymous login on the website by giving their real name and email.  (5) People use credit card to buy access to the site.  (6) People use credit card to buy something physical.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  New web site ideas.  Website idea: People making stuff     PART ONE.  Features.  (1) Spaces.  Many people log in, get their own space that you provide.  What kind of space?  Their own web page.  (2) Tools.  People get their own tools that you provide.  What kind of tools?  Text editing.  (3) Multimedia.  Its multimedia, text, photos and image files, music files.  Its like a blog.  Examples, Wiki, My Space.  (4) Searchable.  There is a bunch of different searches.  (5) Sortable.  The output can be sorted by the web users.  (6) Zones.  Everyone gets private, semi-private and public spaces.  There is chat?  (7) Lists.  People can see who else is logged on.  People can IM other people online.  (8) Lists.  People can see list of other peoples sites.  Lists are sortable.  (9) Lists.  Latest additions.  Newest.  Most recent.  (10) User accounts.  User creates a user account.  User deletes their account.  Sign in.  Sign out.  (11) Upload a file.  Download a file.  Example, browse and upload button and field.  (12) Create a doc.  Edit a doc.  Delete a doc.  Keep doc as draft.  Publish a doc.     PART TWO.  General principles.  (1) Making stuff.  People start making their own stuff.  What kind of stuff?  (2) Sharing.  Everyone can see everyone else's stuff.  Increased sharing capability.  The whole is greater than sum of parts.  Synergy.  (3) Its informative.  Its entertaining.  Its fun.  Its easy.  Its quick.  (4) The more people participating, the better the entire project.  (5) Its creative expression.  Its growthful.  (6) How is it different?  How is it unique?  How is it good?  (7) What aspects of basic human nature does it make use of?  Basic human needs, food, clothing, shelter, social, creative.  (8) Examples.  Wikipedia.  Everything2.  My Space.  Friendster.  (9) Finances.  Who pays for the hosting?  Who pays for the bandwidth.  (10) Marketing.  How to market it?     PART THREE.  Strategies.  (1) Provide Services, Tools and Information.  (2) Idea.  Most websites try to provide practical services and information, like about job, health, etc.  I will provide philosophical and psychological tools, services and information.  (3) Become a portal.  Build a community.  Fill a niche.  (4) Examples.  Wikis.  Blogs.  CMS's like PHP Nuke.  (5) Pieces.  Web server: you host a main website.  Database: you hold it all in a database.  ---  2/15/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Online porn.  Online gambling.  Online shopping.  The Internet is an addiction enabler.  ---  12/14/2005

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Politics and Internet.  Has the Internet helped the political left or right more?  Has technology helped the political left or right more?  Is the Internet, and technology in general, politically neutral?  Or is it biased towards the political left or right?  Power holders abuse technology to their advantage.  The standard thinking is that the Internet is a democratic force.  However, the Internet is also a platform for fringe hate groups and violent extremists and fanatics.  ---  5/12/2005

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Psychology and Internet.  How do computers, and specifically the Internet, change the way that humans "mind", and, more specifically, "think"?  Do we begin to think more "hypertexty" and more "web-like" as a result of using the Internet?  ---  8/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Social software:  Friendster.  Facebook.  My Space.  ---  8/31/2005

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Sociology and the Internet.  How does socializing on the Internet (email, chat, text) differ from socializing face to face?  ---  8/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Surfing the Internet is like going to the library and having a group of strange people reading over your shoulder.  ---  7/20/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The computer software manufacturers encourage people to buy computers.  They encourage people to put personal data on computers.  They encourage people to connect computers to the Internet.  And they encourage people that their software products are secure.  Yet they know the network is not secure.  The entire thing has a sleazy air to it.  ---  9/14/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The discussions on some Internet message boards are much more creative than the software that runs the message boards themselves.  ---  8/10/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet changes people's basic attitudes.  (1) "I am stuck" becomes "I can go anywhere on the Internet".  (2) "I have no voice.  I have no say." becomes "I have a voice.  I can speak my mind on my home page."  (3) "I feel no connection to others." becomes "We are all connected on the Internet."  ---  9/25/2000

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet is a culture of spies and targets.  ---  3/24/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet is being used by bullies to identify and harass their ideological opponents.  ---  12/20/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet is just a means to track people.  When you logon, almost anyone can tell where you are and what you are doing.  ---  3/24/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet is not "about" business.  The Internet is "about" free information.  The Internet is like a big public library.  ---  12/30/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet is your window on the world.  The Internet is the world's window on you.  ---  7/7/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The Internet makes it easier for people to work in groups.  The Internet makes it easier for people to work in secret.  The Internet makes it easier to work in secret groups.  Thus, the Internet makes group bullying easier to do.  Bullying is unethical.  The Internet makes some unethical actions easier to perpetrate.  ---  12/20/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  The key is not to give everyone a computer.  The key is to give everyone access to the Internet.  ---  11/15/2001

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Think of ideas for web sites that should be created.  Then create the web site.  For example, web sites to advance the progressive agenda.  ---  3/25/2006

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Trends.  The Internet as media, marketplace, and community.  ---  12/29/1997

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Two phenomena.  (1) The Internet stock bubble was due to the stock prices of Internet companies being overvalued.  (2) The Internet expectations bubble.  This was due to several attitudes.  (A) We can spend all our time on the Internet.  (B) The Internet, or technology in general, will solve all our problems.  (C) All that exists is technology.  (D) Technology is the most important thing.  ---  3/20/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Two questions.  How much time does one, and should one, spend online?  What does one, and what should one, accomplish with the time one spends online?  ---  8/19/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Two views of the Internet.  (1) Internet as a virtual community, town, city, nation, world.  (2) Internet as a virtual reality unto itself, not merely a digitized copy of this world.  ---  9/12/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Various topics in Computers and the Internet.  PART ONE.  Shiny metal boxes.  (1) Personal computing.  Personal computing involved making computers small enough and inexpensive enough for individuals to own.  The development of personal computers took computing out of the hands of governments and corporations and gave computers to the people.  Personal computers empower the public.  (2) Computer networking.  Computer networking connects computers together.  TCP/IP is a large-network protocol that helped build the Internet.  Ethernet is a small-network protocol.  Computer networking led to the Internet which is a world wide computer network.  (3) Wireless computing.  Wireless computing enables people to use computers away from phone line outlets and Ethernet cord outlets.  (4) Mobile computing.  Laptops enabled people to use computers away from their desks and away from electrical power outlets.     PART TWO.  (1) Search.  Why is search so fascinating?  Why not sort the Internet instead of search the Internet?  To sort by category requires that each web site and web page be categorized.  How to categorize?  Let people create their own categories.  Folks-onomy.  (2) Google.  Google started as a search engine and later added other features.  Google is a popular search engine because it searches many pages quickly and returns accurate results.  Google is branching out to other projects.  Google is trying to get a "full text search" project going.  (3) Yahoo started as a human-compiled directory of the Internet.   Yahoo developed into a popular Internet portal.  An Internet portal is a web site that provides a variety of services, such as news, email, groups, etc.  People often use an Internet portal as their home page when surfing the Internet.     PART THREE.  (1) File sharing - music, movies.  Napster.  Kaaza.  Livewire.  File sharing lets people quickly and easily find and transfer data.  (2) Mp3 is a format that lets people share music online.  (4) Ipod.  Ipod is Apple's music player and online music downloading service.  Ipod is what drove Tower Records out of business.  (5) YouTube lets people share video online.  Youtube lets people easily upload and download digital videos.     PART FOUR.  Where are you?  (1) Map services on the Internet, like Google Earth, combine satellite photos and drawn maps.  Google Earth lets a person easily and quickly zoom in, zoom out, and search through maps.  Google Earth presents a realistic, three dimensional, dynamic picture of the Earth.  (2) GPS.  Global Positioning System.  Always know where you are.  Never get lost.  Find your way to a destination.     PART FIVE.  Buying and selling.  (1) Amazon lets you buy books and other stuff online.  Amazon is essentially a large, easy to use, popular online store.  (2) Ebay is an online worldwide garage sale.  Initially Amazon let you buy new things, and Ebay let you buy and sell used things.  However, now that distinction is fading, because Amazon is branching out to the used things market, and Ebay is selling a lot of new things.     PART SIX.  Open Source.  (1) Creative Commons.  Creative Commons provides a variety of ways to license your content for public use.  Creative Commons also functions as a repository for open source content.  (2) XML is a way to create structured information.  XML is a more general form of HTML.  XML lets you create custom tags.  DocBook is a type of XML that makes it easier to format digital books.  (3) Linux is a free operating system created by people around the world donating their time and cooperating.  (4) GNU License was created by the Free Software Foundation and is used to protect Free and Open Source Software for public use.  (5) Open Source Software.  Examples of open source software: Open Office, LAMP (LInux, Apache, MySQL and Perl or PHP).  (6)  Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia to which anyone can contribute.  Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that is created using Wiki software.  Wiki software is a type of group collaboration software.     PART SEVEN.  Other.  (1) One Laptop Per Child - An initiative to create low cost laptop computers for use by poor children worldwide.  (2) Blogs - online journals written by individuals.  Blogs are a form of independent media.  A blog is a webpage that can be easily be updated and formatted from a web browser.     PART EIGHT.  Social networks.  Social networking software.  My Space.  Friendster.  Makes it easier for people to surf networks of people.     PART NINE.  (1) Online dating takes personal ads and puts them on the Internet.  (2) Online gambling makes it even easier to lose your money.  (3) Online pornography.  People like sex.  Get over it.  People also like erotic stories, pictures and movies, which can also be called pornography.  Pornography has moved off the printed page and onto the Internt.  (4) Computer games are a very engrossing form of entertainment.  PART TEN. Let's talk.  (1) Email was one of the earliest forms on Internet communication.  (2) Chat is like real-time email.  Chat is also known as instant messaging.  (3) Text messaging lets people send and receive short text messages on cell phones.  PART ELEVEN.  (1) Hypertext.  The World Wide Web.  HTTP and HTML.  (2) Databases.    PART TWELVE.  (1) Translation software - translates text from one language to another.  Not perfected, but its useful.  (2) Voice recognition software - converts your spoken words to text.  Not perfected yet, but its useful.  PART THIRTEEN.  (1) Digital cryptography.  PGP and GPG.  Privacy issues.     PART FOURTEEN.  (1) Digital photography, digital cameras.  (2) Cell phones are even more popular than computers.  (3) Digital surveillance is a trend that involves small, inexpensive, networked digital cameras that often record 24x7.  ---  2/10/2007

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Viruses, worms, crackers and snoops.  The Internet should be called spookville because of the vile spooks on it.  ---  9/28/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Weblog popularity.  Most linked to.  Most read.  Most in favorites lists.  ---  8/20/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Weblogs.  Some weblogs are personal diaries that describe each day.  Some weblogs are pointing to other articles.  Where is the thinking?  ---  8/20/2003

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  What is good about the Internet?  (1) Lets people communicate.  Lets people email and chat.  (2) Provides access to information.  A library on your desktop.  (3) Lets people voice their opinions.  Lets anyone publish a web page.  Lets anyone read that web page.  ---  6/30/2004

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  Wikipedia is now better than Encyclopedia Britannica, in terms of the number of articles (breadth or scope), and in terms of average article length (depth).  ---  3/11/2007

Technology, computers, Internet.  ---  World free Internet.  Free information for free people.  Information liberation.  ---  12/17/2000

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