Notes Contents

Notes expanded contents

Notes full text

Notes index (keywords arranged alphabetically).

OTHER THINGS - These other things are not the Notes.  See the Notes first.

GOALS - (An outline of goals)
By time
By subject
By importance

DIARY - (Not my diary, rather, a diary.)
By time
By subject
By importance

LISTS - (a bibliography, a webography, a discography, an artography, a filmography)

Book list

Internet list

Media short list

Song list

Visual arts list - see outline

Movie list - see outline

OUTLINE - (an outline of subjects, keywords, and brief descriptions.) 

Outline Introduction
Philosophy outline Philosophy, history of Psychology outline Psychology, history of Sociology outline Sociology, history of Sciences in general. Philosophy of science. Sciences in general, history of Astronomy outline Astronomy table Physics outline Chemistry outline Chemistry table Biology outline Biology table Ecology outline Earth sciences outline The Arts in general. Philosophy of art. Aesthetics. Progressivism in the Arts Literature outline Literature, history of Music outline Music, history of Visual arts outline Visual arts, history of Movies outline Movies, history of Other arts: Dance, Fashion, Gastronomy Other arts, history of Politics outline Politics, history of Globalization Political issues Who's on the left and right Law outline Law, history of Technology outline Technology, history of Computers Economics outline Business outline Economics and business, history of Health and Medicine outline Illnesses table History outline World History Leisure outline Work outline Magic, Myth and Religion

Main page

Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy